Wednesday, October 8, 2014

What is the CSS3

“CSS” is an acronym for Cascading Style Sheets, a web-based markup language used to describe the look and formatting of a website to the browser, most commonly used in HTML or XHTML web pages but also applicable to XML documents, including plain XML, SVG and XUL. “CSS3” simply refers to the latest incarnation of CSS, with additional capabilities far beyond the scope of the first two generations.

CSS3 offers some exciting new features to enhance the appearance of a website. Although these features might not be absolutely necessary to the functionality of a website, users are coming to expect a website to look awesome as well as operate cleanly. CSS3 makes it easier for designs that will make visitors “ooh and aah” over them to be implemented.

Some Use CSS3 Example :

Box-shadows – This could allow the main content to slide beneath another area, such as a footer, or cause the area to look as if it’s coming out of or sinking into the website. CSS3 makes this happen without requiring the coder to create a new image or use a Javascript plugin. Another technique is to cause the shadow to appear upon hover.

Text shadows – Sounds exactly like what it is: provide a drop shadow underneath HTML text elements.

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